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Welcome to the Class of 2024 Embark Capstone Colloquium!

Welcome to our digital celebration of the Class of 2024’s Embark Program Projects! The graduating students have prepared final abstracts and posters to present their amazing projects. We are so proud of all of their accomplishments, and truly look forward to seeing how they use their research skills as they Embark on their careers.

Thank you to all the mentors and co-mentors who have worked with our students on these impressive projects. We appreciate all of your time and effort!

Please join us in congratulating the Class of 2024 on such amazing work in all of their research project areas. We hope you enjoy their Embark Project Abstracts and Colloquium Poster presentations. Additionally, you will find details of the Class of 2024’s scholarly achievements related to their Embark projects and Embark Program Award Winners.

Congratulations Class of 2024!

A Message from the Dean

An image of Chris CarpenterDear OUWB Community,

Welcome to the Embark Capstone Colloquium digital presentation, where the Class of 2024 showcases the culmination of their four years of research.

It is through the Embark Program that medical students have the potential to achieve scientific or community impact with their findings as they gain an appreciation for self-directed learning. I genuinely hope this experience encourages them to continue exploring research opportunities that await them in their careers as physicians.

On behalf of the students, I thank the mentors, our Foundational Medical Studies faculty and our Corewell Health faculty, who dedicated their time to guide our students through the research process. I am grateful for their understanding of the program’s importance and the fundamental contribution it provides for the future of OUWB and our graduates.

Congratulations to the Class of 2024, on achieving this OUWB medical school milestone!


An image of Chris Carpenter's signature

Christopher F. Carpenter, M.D., MHSA
Stephan Sharf Interim Dean, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine

Embark Button - Clinical Research

Embark Button - Global and Community Health

Embark Button - Health Systems

Embark Button - Lab Research

Embark Button - MedEd

Embark Program 2023 Competitive Mini-Manuscript Scholarship Recipients
Based on generous funding from our donors, the following students have recently been awarded partial scholarships for the M4 year as a result of excellent manuscript submissions to the M3 Mini-Manuscript competition.  
Kenneth J. Matzick Embark Program Competitive Scholarship, Manuscript of the Year 2023

Josh France, Determination of Pad Placement with X-ray Guidance on Cardioversion Success: An Observational StudyMentor: Nishaki Mehta

Ravitz Foundation Embark Program Competitive Scholarship, Manuscript of the Year 1st Runner-Up 2023

Holly ShifmanAssociation of Primary Care Shortage Areas with Pediatric Liver Transplant Outcomes; Mentor: Sharad Wadhani; Co-Mentor: Kara Sawarynski

Ann V. Nicholson Embark Program Competitive Scholarship, Manuscript of the Year 2nd Runner-Up 2023

Alex LindahlTDABC vs ABC Virtual Patient Appointments; Mentor: Charles Day; Co-Mentor: Dwayne Baxa

Kenneth J. Matzick Embark Program Competitive Scholarship, Manuscript of the Year Honorable Mention 2023

Sarah BattleDoes Passive Exercise Alter Cortisol or Salivary Alpha Amylase Levels?Mentor: Kathryn Rougeau

Prasun SharmaVirtual Pee Pee Party in the Time of a Pandemic: A Cost and Time Analysis of Participant Recruitment and Urine Sample Collection through Social Media Optimization; Mentor: Michael Chancellor; Co-Mentor: Bernadette Zwaans

Colin BraithwaiteOutcomes of Static augmented vs Dynamic augmented, vs Non Augmented Primary ACL Repair for Adult Patients with Proximal ACL Tear. A Systematic Review of the LiteratureMentor: James Bicos

Ravitz Foundation Embark Program Competitive Scholarship, Manuscript of the Year Honorable Mention 2023

Megan ClontzDocumentation of Geographic Atrophy in Exudative AMD Mentor: Jeremy Wolfe

Sarah BeckerInvestigating Spiritual Care Pathways Among Hospitalized Patients; Mentor: Kevin Hickey

Tanner HafenPatient Perspectives on Robotic vs Traditional Total Knee Arthroplasty; Mentor: Mark Karadsheh; Co-Mentor: James Feng 

Ann V. Nicholson Embark Program Competitive Scholarship, Manuscript of the Year Honorable Mention 2023

Sazid HasanPediatric Upper Cervical Spine Trauma, a 10-year Retrospective, Single-Centered Medical Record Review; Mentor: Ehab Saleh; Co-Mentor: Jad Khalil

Newman Family Foundation Embark Program Competitive Scholarship, Manuscript of the Year Honorable Mention 2023

Revelle GappyCharacterizing the Effectiveness of Prehospital Pediatric Pain Management in Children with Long Bone Fractures; Mentor: Robert Swor


Class of 2024 Scholarly Activity

Rasheed Abdullah
Abdullah, R., Feng, J., Vartanyan, P., Alosh, H., Karadsheh, M., Cavinatto, L., Hinckel, B. (2022, June 19). Quantifying the Importance of Orthopedic Surgeon Attributes by the Public [Oral Presentation]. Michigan Orthopaedic Society/Mackinac Island, MI, USA.

Feng, J., Abdullah, R., Vartanyan, P., Alosh, H., Karadsheh, M., Cavinatto, L., Hinckel, B. (2023, March 07). Quantifying the Importance of Orthopedic Surgeon Attributes by the Public [Poster presented]. American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting/Las Vegas, NV, USA.

Feng, J., Abdullah, R., Vartanyan, P., Alosh, H., Karadsheh, M., Hinckel, B., Cavinatto, L. (2023, April 19). Quantifying the Importance of Orthopedic Surgeon Attributes by the Public [Poster presented]. Mid-America Orthopaedic Association/Miramar Beach, FL, USA.

Faris Alkhouri
ALKHOURI, F., Keeley, J., & Homayouni, R. (2023, May 04). Analysis of ED visitors for Dermatological Disorders Prior to and During the COVID Pandemic [Oral Presentation]. EM Resident and Fellow Scholarly Symposium William Beaumont University Hospital/Troy, MI, USA.

ALKHOURI, F., Keeley, J., & Homayouni, R. (2023, March 10). Analysis of ED visitors for Dermatological Disorders Prior to and During the COVID Pandemic [Poster presented]. Oakland University Graduate Student Conference/Rochester Hills, MI, USA.

ALKHOURI, F., Keeley, J., & Homayouni, R. (2023, May 24). Analysis of ED visitors for Dermatological Disorders Prior to and During the COVID Pandemic [Poster presented]. BWH (Brigham and Women's Hospital) virtual conference/ONLINE, MI, USA.

Catherine Barkach
Barkach, C. (presenter), Biel, A., & Mangla, J. (2023, March 14). Incidence of Symptomatic Upper Extremity Deep Vein Thrombosis in Adults in Relation to Venous Catheter Insertion Site of Subcutaneous Port: A Retrospective Review [Oral Presentation]. Robert J. Lucas
Surgical Society Research Symposium/Royal Oak, MI, USA.

Barkach, C. (presenter), Biel, A., & Mangla, J.. (2023, March 10). Incidence of Symptomatic Upper Extremity Deep Vein Thrombosis in Adults in Relation to Venous Catheter Insertion Site of Subcutaneous Port: A Retrospective Review [Oral Presentation]. Oakland University Graduate Student Research Conference/Rochester, MI, USA.

Sarah Battle
Poster Presentation at AAPM&R Annual Conference 2023
Battle S (presenter), Rougeau K, Welling L. How Does The Body Respond to Passive Physical Activity? Cortisol and Salivary Alpha-Amylase during Active and Passive Cycling.

Novelpreet Boparai
Manuscript is in the process of being published.

Collin Braithwaite
Braithwaite C; Hafen T; Jones J; ZamZam M; Jones N; Bicos J. A Systematic Review of Four Different Techniques for Primary Anterior Cruciate Ligament Repair. Michigan Orthopedic Society Annual Meeting 2022, Mackinaw Island, MI.

Braithwaite C; Jones J: Hafen T; ZamZam M; Jones N; Bicos J. A Systematic Review of Four Different Techniques for Primary Anterior Cruciate Ligament Repair. Oakland University Graduate Student Research Conference. Rochester, Michigan; 3/2022.

Justine Chee
Chee, J.M., & Lanoue, L., & Clary, D., & Higgins, K., & Bower, L., & Flenniken, A., & Guo, R., & Adams, D.J., & Bosch, F., & Braun, R.E., & Brown, S.D.M., & Chin, H.-J.G., & Dickinson, M.E., & Hsu, C.-W., & Dobbie, M., Gao, X., & Galande, S., & Grobler, A. (2023, Feb). BMC Biology. Genome-wide screening reveals the genetic basis of mammalian embryonic eye development. , 21(1), 1-15. Cited in PubMed; PMID: 36737727. Pub Status: Published. Article URL: http://doi.org/10.1186/s12915-022-01475-0

Chee, J.M.. (2020, May 03). Serine-Glycine Biosynthesis is Essential for Eye Development [Poster presented]. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) /Baltimore, MD, USA.

Chee, J.M.. (2020, November 06). Regulation of Single-Carbon Units in Folate Metabolism Through Serine-Glycine Biosynthesis is Essential for Eye Formation [Poster presented]. 7th Annual UC Davis Health Human Genomics Symposium/Sacramento, CA, USA.

Chee, J.M.. (2020, September 29). Genome-Wide Screening of Single-Gene Knockout Mice Reveals Novel Genes Required for Early Eye Formation [Oral Presentation]. J. William Kohl, M.D. 2023 Summer Scholarship Research Symposium/Sacramento, CA, USA.

Chee, J.M.. (2020, October 16). Genome-Wide Screening Reveals Acvr2a to be a Potential Novel Gene Associated with Cyclopia in Knockout Mice [Oral Presentation]. Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine Research Bites Conference/Rochester Hills, MI, USA.

Megan Hinshaw
Clontz, M.O., Park, J.G., Chen, X.D., Begai, T., Runner, M. M., Wolfe, J.D. Accuracy of Diagnosis Codes for Patients with Concurrent Geographic Atrophy and Exudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Oral Presentation at Oakland University Graduate Student Research Conference, Rochester MI. March 2023.

Park JG, Chen XD, Clontz M, Begaj T, Runner MM, Wolfe JD. Coding of Geographic Atrophy and Exudative Age-related Macular Degeneration. Ophthalmol Retina. 2023;7(7):644-645. doi:10.1016/j.oret.2023.03.011

Presented by Dr. Jong Park, retina fellow, at Retina Fellows Forum in December 2022 in Chicago, IL and won a research award.

Mary Drekh
Kenneth P. Mitton, Wendelin Dailey, Gabrielle Abdelmessih, Rima Stepanian, Andrew Santos, Daeun Jeong, Mary Drekh, Lance Jones, Konstantinos Koustas, Michael T. Trese, Antonio Capone Jr., Kimberly A. (2023). Chapter 6: "Custom Ampliseq Targeted Sequencing Panel for Orphan Pediatric Retinal Diseases". In Gyan Prakash, TakeshiIwata (Ed.), "Advances in Vision Research, Volume IV: Translations Research - Developing Therapeutics and Diagnostics for Genetic Eye Diseases". (pp. 23 pages ). rochester hills: SpringerLink.

Drekh, Mary; Mitton, Kenneth P.; Dailey, Wendy; Drenser, Kimberly A.. (2022, May 01). Evaluation of a Novel Targeted-Sequencing Panel for Detection of FZD4 Gene Variants in Subjects with Familial Exudative Vitreo-Retinopathy. [Poster presented]. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology/Denver, CO, USA.

Amanda Petrelli Cicerone, Wendy Dailey, Michael Sun, Andrew Santos, Daeun Jeong, Lance Jones, Konstaninos Koustas Mary Drekh, Keaton Schmitz, Naomi Haque, Jennifer A Felisky, Alvaro E Guzman, Kendra Mellert, Mich. (2022, March 11). A Survey of Multigenic Protein-Altering Variant Frequency in Familial Exudative Vitreo-Retinopathy (FEVR) Patients by Targeted Sequencing of Seven FEVR-Linked Genes. Pub Status: Published. URL: http://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35328049/

Lauren Eberhardt
Pending acceptance to The Acute Medicine Journal. Undergoing 2nd review.

Marvee Espiritu
Espiritu M, Feng J, Vartanyan P, Moore D, Runner R, Karadsheh M. Public perception of robotic assisted total hip replacement surgery. Paper presented at: The Michigan Orthopaedic Society Annual Meeting; 2022 Jun 17-19; Mackinac Island, MI.

Feng , J.E., Espiritu, M.G.S., Vartanyan, P., Moore, D.D., Runner, R., Karadsheh, M/ Espiritu, M.G.S. (presenter). (2022, August 31). Public Perception of Robotic Assisted Total Hip Replacement Surgery [Oral Presentation]. International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty/Maui, HI, USA.

Luke Fickenworth
Fickenworth, L., Veerappan, M., Porcaro, S., & Haworth, J.. (2022, March 11). Scoping review of the patient-centered literature regarding hip osteoarthritis [Oral Presentation]. 7th Annual Oakland University Graduate Student Research Conference/Rochester, MI, USA.

Fickenworth, L., Veerappan, M., Porcaro, S., Smith, D., Haworth, J. . (2022, November 09). Scoping review of the patient-centered literature regarding hip osteoarthritis [Poster presented]. 99th Annual American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine/Chicago, IL, USA.

Fickenworth, L., Veerappan, M., Porcaro, S., Smith, D., Haworth, J. . (2023, November 17). Scoping review of the patient-centered literature regarding hip osteoarthritis [Poster presented]. American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Conference/New Orleans, LA, USA.

Daniel Fortney
Nocturia in men and associated comorbidities; a southeast Michigan study, DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2023.096 Vol.19,Issue 10,October 2023 pp.16-21, Daniel Fortney, Prasun Sharma, Alexander Geisenhoff, Bernadette M.M. Zwaans, Michael D Lutz

Josh France
France JG, Madanat L, Shoukri N, Kutinsky LB, Gundlapalli S, Walsh DG, Bilolikar A, Goel AK, Williamson BD, Gallagher MJ, Bloomingdale R, Haines DE, Mehta NK. (2023, March 05). Determination of pad placement with cine fluoroscopy guidance on cardioversion success [Poster presented]. American College of Cardiology (ACC) 2023/New Orleans, LA, USA.

France JG, Madanat L, Shoukri N, Kutinsky LB, Gundlapalli S, Walsh DG, Bilolikar A, Goel AK, Williamson BD, Gallagher MJ, Bloomingdale R, Haines DE, Mehta NK. (2023, May 12). Determination of pad placement with cine fluoroscopy guidance on cardioversion success [Poster presented]. MI-ACP and MI-SHM 2023 Resident and Medical Student Day/Troy, MI, USA.

Madanat L, France JG, Shoukri N, Kutinsky LB, Gundlapalli S, Walsh DG, Bilolikar A, Goel AK, Williamson BD, Gallagher MJ, Bloomingdale R, Haines DE, Mehta NK. (2023, March 05). Demographic determinants of low energy cardioversion success (100J) in patients with atrial fibrillation [Poster presented]. American College of Cardiology (ACC) 2023/New Orleans, LA, USA.

France J, Madanat L, Shoukri N, et al. (2023, Mar). Determination of pad placement with cine fluoroscopy guidance on cardioversion success. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 81(Supplement 8), 219. Pub Status: Published. Article URL: http://doi.org/10.1016/S0735-1097(23)00663-0

Madanat L, France J, Shoukri N, et al. . (2023, Mar). Demographic determinants of low energy cardioversion success (100J) in patients with atrial fibrillation. . Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 81(Supplement 8), 260. Pub Status: Published. Article URL: http://doi.org/10.1016/S0735-1097(23)00704-0

Revelle Gappy
Society of Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM), Revelle Gappy BS, Ashima Goyal DO, Sariely Sandoval MD, John Frawley MD, Nai-Wei Chen PhD, Remle Crowe PhD, Robert Swor DO

Anne Grossbauer
Grossbauer A, Mnatsakanian A, Costeloe A, Thottam PJ. The effects of untreated reflux on the incidence of dysphagia, oral aversion, and feeding difficulty in the NICU population. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2023;174:111734. doi:10.1016/j.ijporl.2023.111734

Natalia Gumma
Vanood A, Sajadi S, Gumma N, Huerta M, Lucia V. Undergraduate Student Attitudes Toward COVID-19: A Comparison of University Students in Michigan and Arizona. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention. San Francisco, CA. February 2022.

Tanner Hafen
Hafen T.J., Feng J.E., Vartanyan P., Moore D., Runner R., Karadsheh M., Assessing Patient Preferences for Technology-Assisted versus Traditional Total Knee Arthroplasty Using a Validated Online Survey Marketplace: Before and After Patient Education. Presented 6/18/22 at MOS annual meeting in Mackinac Island, Michigan

Hafen T.J., Feng J.E., Vartanyan P., Moore D., Runner R., Karadsheh M., Assessing Patient Preferences for Technology-Assisted versus Traditional Total Knee Arthroplasty Using a Validated Online Survey Marketplace: Before and After Patient Education. Presented at ISTA annual meeting, 9/2/22, Maui Hawaii

Feng J.E., Hafen T.J., Vartanyan P., Moore D., Runner R., Karadsheh M., Assessing Patient Preferences for Technology-Assisted versus Traditional Total Knee Arthroplasty Using a Validated Online Survey Marketplace: Before and After Patient Education. Presented at Current Concepts in Joint Replacement Annual Meeting 12/8/22 Orlando, Florida

Muhammad Haidous
“The Muslim Pediatric Fasting Study: The Culmination of a Multi-Phase Longitudinal Study [oral].” In: American Association of Pediatrics National Conference; October 2022; Anaheim California

“Statewide Physician Survey regarding Pediatric Fasting Practices” In: Oakland University Graduate Student Research Conference; March 2022; Rochester, MI

“Ramadan in Pediatrics Project- Medical Education Intervention for Community Pediatrics [poster].” In: American Association of Pediatrics National Conference; October 2022; Anaheim California

Sazid Hasan
Hasan, Sazid, Waheed, Muhammad, Suhrawardy, Ameen, Braithwaite, Collin, Ahmed, Lamia, Zakko, Philip, Khalil, Jad, Saleh, Ehab (January 06, 2022) “Pediatric Upper Cervical Spine Trauma: A 10-Year Retrospective Review at a Pediatric Trauma Center.” Cureus 14(1): e20995. doi:10.7759/cureus.20995

Retrospective study: Pediatric upper cervical spine trauma, a 10-year single-center retrospective study. Sazid Hasan, Muhammad Waheed, Ameen K. Suhrawardy, Collin Braithwaite, Lamia Ahmed, Philip Zakko, Jad G. Khalil, Ehab S. Saleh- Poster presented at the Orthopedic Surgery Research Symposium OSRS 2021, Rochester, MI. December 2021.

Retrospective study: Pediatric upper cervical spine trauma, a 10-year single-center retrospective study. Sazid Hasan, Muhammad Waheed, Ameen K. Suhrawardy, Collin Braithwaite, Lamia Ahmed, Philip Zakko, Jad G. Khalil, Ehab S. Saleh- Poster presented at Robert J. Lucas Surgical Society conference, Royal Oak, MI. February 2022.

Ahmed Hussain
Ahmed Hussain, Suzan Kamel-ElSayed, Changiz Mohiyeddini (2023, May) Motivators for Ramadan Intermittent Fasting Among Muslim Students. 12th Annual William Davidson Medical Education Week.

Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Motivators for Ramadan Intermittent Fasting in United State Students. Ahmed Hussain, Suzan Kamel-ElSayed, Changiz Mohiyeddini. 2023 OU Grad Conference 2023. Rochester, MI, March 2023.

Christopher Issa
Combined Operative Time for Two-Stage Tissue Expander/DIEP Reconstruction Is Comparable to or Faster Than Immediate DIEP Reconstruction [Oral Presentation]. October 10, 2020. Plastic Surgery The Meeting/San Francisco, CA, USA.

Issa, C.J., Lu, S.M., Boudiab, E.M., DeSano, J., Sachanandani, N.S., Powers, J.M., & Chaiyasate, K. (2021, Jun). Comparing Plastic Surgeon Operative Time for DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction: 2-stage More Efficient than 1-stage?. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open, 9(6), 3608. Cited in PubMed; PMID: 34104615.

Harkirat Jawanda
Jawanda, H., Howard, K.K., Callahan, R.E., Ziegler, K.M. & Roach, V.. (2022, May 05). Heart Rate in Surgical Residents Performing an Educational Task Under Stress [Poster presented]. Beaumont Health, William Davidson Medical Education Week/Royal Oak, MI, USA.

Angus, A.A., Howard, K.K., Jawanda, H., Ziegler, K.M. & Roach, V.A.. (2022, March 02). The Effect of an Attending vs Neutral Observer on Peg Transfer and Intracorporeal Knot Tying Laparoscopic Tasks [Oral Presentation]. Annual American College of Surgeons Surgical Simulation Summit/Chicago, IL, USA.

Angus, A.A., Howard, K.K., Jawanda, H., Callahan, R., Ziegler, K.M., & Roach, V.A.. (2022, Nov). The Effect of an Attending Versus Neutral Observer on Peg Transfer and Intracorporeal Knot-tying Laparoscopic Tasks. Surgery, 172(5), 1352-1357.
Cited in PubMed; PMID: 36096964.

Diana Jeong
Jeong, D., Mitton, K., Daily, W., Drensor, K. . (2022, May 01). Evaluation of a Novel Targeted-Sequencing Panel for Orphan Pediatric Retinal Diseases for detection of LRP5 Gene Variants. [Poster presented]. ARVO 2022/Denver, CO, USA.

Oral Presentation for ARVO 2022 in Denver, Colorado

Cicerone, A.P.; Dailey, W.; Sun, M.; Santos, A.; Jeong, D.; Jones, L.; Koustas, K.; Drekh, M.; Schmitz, K.; Haque, N.; et al. . (2022, Mar). A Survey of Multigenic Protein-Altering Variant Frequency in Familial Exudative Vitreo-Retinopathy (FEVR) Patients by Targeted Sequencing of Seven FEVR-Linked Genes. Genes 2022, 13(3), 495.

Lance Jones
Cicerone, A.P., Dailey, W., Sun, M., Santos, A., Jeong, D., Jones, L., Koustas, K., Drekh, M., Schmitz, K., Haque, N., Felisky, J.A., Guzman, A.E., Mellert, K., Trese, M.T., Capone, A., Drenser, K.A., & Mitton, K.P.. (2022, Mar). A Survey of Multigenic Protein-Altering Variant Frequency in Familial Exudative Vitreo-Retinopathy (FEVR) Patients by Targeted Sequencing of Seven FEVR-Linked Genes.. Genes, 13(3), 495.

Mitton, K.P., Dailey, W., Abdelmessih, G., Stepanian, R., Santos, A., Jeong, D., Drekh, M., Jones, L., Koustas, K., Trese, M., Capone Jr., A, & Drenser, K.. (2023). Custom Ampliseq Targeted Sequencing Panel for Orphan Pediatric Retinal Diseases. (PENDING – NOV 2023). In G. Prakash, T. Iwata (Ed.), Advances in Vision Research, Volume IV: From Basic to Translations Research – Developing Diagnostics and Therapeutics for Genetic Eye Diseases. (pp. pending). New York City: Springer.

Neil Khatter
Khatter, N.J., Owens, C., Li, B., Wang, Y., Jani, A., Huang, C., Nickells, R., Su, A., Washington, K.. (2022, May 03). Utility of UW-based solutions for reducing apoptotic signaling and retinal ganglionic cell death in a whole eye transplantation rodent model [Poster presented]. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science/Denver, CO, USA.

Khatter, N.J., Wang, Y., Li, B., Owens, C., Jani, A., Huang, C., Nickells, R., Su, A., Washington, K.. (2022, June 05). Evaluation of UW-Based Solutions Formulated to Be Anti-Apoptotic and Neuroprotective of Retinal Ganglion Cells (RGCs) Following Whole Eye Transplantation (WET) in a Rat Model [Poster presented]. American Transplant Congress /Boston, MA, USA.

Su, A., Li, B., Wang, Y., Owen, C., Banaee, T., Khatter, N.J., Lee, A., Mathes, D., Farkash, E., Chu, C., Huang, C., Washington, K.(2022, May 03). Immunological Response Following Whole Eye Transplantation in a Rat Model [Poster presented]. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science/Denver, CO, USA.

Khatter, N.J., Wang, Y., Li, B., Owens, C., Jani, A., Huang, C., Nickells, R., Su, A., Washington, K.. (2022, January 17). UW-Based Solutions Decrease Apoptotic Signaling and Preserve Retinal Ganglionic Cells in a Whole Eye Transplantation Rodent Model [Oral Presentation]. American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery/Carlsbad, CA, USA.

Khatter, N.J., Matlock, T., Owens, C.R., Bing, L., Wong, Y., Huang, C.A., Nickells, R.W., Su, A.A., Washington, K.. (2021, May 14). The Effects of UW Solutions in Preventing Ischemia Induced Apoptosis of Retinal Ganglion Cells After Whole Eye Transplantation [Oral Presentation]. Immunology 2021/Rockville, MD, USA.

Michael Ko
Lopatin T, Ko M, Brown E, Goble D, Haworth J. Balance Testing for Patients With Type 2 Diabetes. J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2022;16(6):1582-1583. doi:10.1177/19322968221121679

Ryan Ko
Poster presentation and published abstract at the 2022 ASTRO Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas.

Grzywacz V, Ko RB, Ye H, Chen P, Seymour Z, Lee K, Grills I. "Fractionated Radiosurgery Associated with High Rates of Local Control for Large Volume Intact Brain Metastases." International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. 114.3 (2022): e52. doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrobp.2022.07.788

Eva Leung
Willen BD, Quinn TJ, Almahariq MF, et al. Clinical Outcomes of Hypofractionated Whole Breast Irradiation in Early Stage, Biologically High-Risk Breast Cancer. Practical Radiation Oncology. 2022;12(6):e501-e511. doi:10.1016/j.prro.2022.06.008.

Maxwell Li
Oakland University Graduate Student Research Conference 2023

Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics

AMA Research Challenge 2023

PsychSIGN Region 4 Midwest Conference at Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine

Conner Liddle
Liddle, C., Capone, A., Trese, M. . (2023, April 26). Physician-Patient Face Masking’s Influence on Post-Intravitreal Injection Endophthalmitis Rates [Oral Presentation]. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology/New Orleans, LA, USA.

Presentation of work to Royal Oak Branch of Associated Retinal Consultants. Physician-Patient Face Masking’s Influence on Post-Intravitreal Injection Endophthalmitis Rates.
Conner Liddle, Antonio Capone, Matthew Trese, Submitted/Under Review at RETINA

Nathan Lwo
Lwo, N., Mohiyeddini, C.. (2022, April 09). Cognitive Reappraisal Mediates the Relationship between Neuroticism and Loneliness. AMSA Poster Session (virtual)/Auburn Hills, MI, USA.

Lwo, N., Mohiyeddini, C.. (2023, March 11). Cognitive Reappraisal Mediates the Relationship between Neuroticism and Loneliness. Diversity in Medicine Conference/Ann Arbor, MI, USA.

Lwo, N., Mohiyeddini, C.. (2023, May 22). Cognitive Reappraisal Mediates the Relationship between Neuroticism and Loneliness. American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting/San Francisco, CA, USA.

Meghan Mansour
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology

Oakland University Graduate Student Research Conference 2023

Marlee Mason-Maready
Brummett, A., Mason-Maready, M., & Whiting, V.. (2023, Feb). Catholic Hospitals Should Permit Physicians to Provide Emergency Contraception to Rape Victims as an Act of Conscientious Provision. The Linacre Quarterly, 90(1), 24-34.
Cited in PubMed; PMID: 36923677.

Brummett, A., Mason-Maready, M., & Whiting, V.. (2023, Sep). A Reply: Conversation, Not Compulsion. The Linacre Quarterly. *Accepted for publishing*

Brummett, A., Mason-Maready, M., & Whiting, V.. (2022, October 29). Catholic Hospitals Should Permit Physicians to Provide Emergency Contraception to Rape Victims as an Act of Conscientious Provision [Oral Presentation]. 24th Annual Conference of the American Society for Bioethics & Humanities/Portland, OR, USA.

Brummett, A., Mason-Maready, M., & Whiting, V.. (2022, September 23). Catholic Hospitals Should Permit Physicians to Provide Emergency Contraception to Rape Victims as an Act of Conscientious Provision [Oral Presentation]. 12th Annual Western Michigan University Medical Humanities Conference/Kalamazoo, MI, USA.

Amanda Mazzoli
Am Mazzoli, T Taylor, S ElSayed. Two Cohorts of Champions: Evaluation of the OUWB
Diversity & Inclusion Champion Program. 11th Annual William Davidson Medical Education
Conference, Royal Oak Michigan, May 18, 2022.

Mohamed Mohamed Idris
Idris, M.S.,* & Saxe, A.W., & Gemechu, J.. (2023, March 10). Does The Use Of Intraoperative Neuromonitoring (IONM) During Thyroid Surgeries Reduce The Incidence Of Iatrogenic Injury to the Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve: A meta-analysis? [Poster presented]. The Oakland University’s 2023 Graduate Student Research Conference/Rochester, MI, USA.

Idris, M.S.,* & Saxe, A.W., & Gemechu, J.. (2023, March 10). Does The Use Of Intraoperative Neuromonitoring (IONM) During Thyroid Surgeries Reduce The Incidence Of Iatrogenic Injury to the Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve: A meta-analysis? [Oral Presentation]. Oakland University Graduate Student Research Conference/Royal Oak, MI, USA.

Idris, M.S.,* & Saxe, A.W., & Gemechu, J.. (2023, March 14). Does The Use Of Intraoperative Neuromonitoring (IONM) During Thyroid Surgeries Reduce The Incidence Of Iatrogenic Injury to the Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve: A meta-analysis? [Oral Presentation]. The 8th annual Robert J. Lucas Surgical Society Research Symposium/Royal Oak, MI, USA.

Saxe, A.W., & Idris, M.S., & Gemechu, J.. (2023, Aug). Does The Use of Intraoperative Neuromonitoring During Thyroid And Parathyroid Surgery Reduce The Incidence Of Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Injuries: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysi. PLOS ONE. Pub Status: Under peer Review

Jennifer Nguyen
Conference poster presentation OCT 2021: The Altis® Mid-urethral Sling: One Surgeon’s Experience with Immediate Post-operative Adjustment. Jennifer Nguyen, Brett Friedman, Annah Vollstedt, MD, Mireya Diaz, PhD , Ly Hoang Roberts, MD , Larry Sirls, MD, 95th Annual Meeting of the North Central Section of the AUA ; Chicago, Illinois, USA

Manuscript: Friedman, B. J., Nguyen, J., Vollstedt, A., Diaz, M., Hoang Roberts, L., & Sirls, L. T. (2022). A modified Altis® mid-urethral sling that allows immediate post-operative adjustment: experience in 197 patients. International urology and nephrology, 54(2), 241–247. http://doi.org/10.1007/s11255-021-03081-5

Greg Palmateer
Palmateer,G.S., Gasparotto,A., Manasseh,A., Kazmierczak,C.. (2023, May 04). DIDO Times in Anterior LVO Ischemic Stroke [Poster presented]. Alvin Yarrows Research Day/Farmington Hills, MI, USA.

Divyani Patel
Part of this project was presented as a poster at OUWB's Medical Education Week in May 2022.

Brandon Prentice
Dehaan, Max; Prentice, Brandon; Rotenbackh, Leah; Grey, Jonathan; Bachand, Amanda; Roberts, Caroline; Folbe, Adam. Predictors of ICU Complications following Endoscopic Endonasal Pituitary Adenoma Resection Surgery. Poster Presentation. North American Skull Base Society. February 2024.

Kevin Pullukat
Midwest American College of Sports Medicine Oral Presentation

Jonathan Raskin
Raskin J, Uhley V. Assessment of Confidence in Nutrition Counseling Skills in Preclinical and Clinical Clerkships in Medical Education. Poster presented at the William Davidson Medical Education Conference; May 17, 2023; Royal Oak, MI

Raskin J, Uhley V. Assessment of Nutritional Education and Nutrition Counseling Skills in Preclinical and Clinical Clerkships in Medical Education. Poster presented at the Graduate Student Research Conference; Mar 10, 2023; Rochester, MI

Leah Rotenbakh
National AMA-MSS Annual Meeting Poster Presentation in Chicago.

Leah Rotenbakh, BA, Andrew Zureick, Dana Zakalik, Tara S. Rangarajan, Thomas Quinn, Vincent Grzywacz, Peter Y Chen, Joshua T Dilworth. (2023, June) Breast Irradiation is Well Tolerated in Carriers of a Pathogenic ATM Variant. AMA-MSS Annual Meeting; Chicago, IL.

Zureick AH, Zakalik D, Quinn TJ, et al. Breast Irradiation Is Well Tolerated in Carriers of a Pathogenic ATM Variant. Pract Radiat Oncol. 2024;14(1):e29-e39. doi:10.1016/j.prro.2023.09.001.

Zureick, A. H., Zakalik, D., Quinn, T. J., Rangarajan, T. S., Grzywacz, V. P., Rotenbakh, L. R., Chen, P. Y., & Dilworth, J. T. (2024). Breast Irradiation Is Well Tolerated in Carriers of a Pathogenic ATM Variant. Practical radiation oncology, 14(1), e29–e39. http://doi-org.huaryu.kl.bjlanjia.com/10.1016/j.prro.2023.09.001

Zara Saleem
This project was presented in April 2023 at the annual ARVO 2023 conference.

Saleem Z., Scoles D., Capone A. Jr.. (2023, April 24). Coats’ and Coats’-like Retinopathy in Female Patients [Poster presented]. Association for Research in Vision & Ophthalmology 2023 Annual Meeting/New Orleans, LA, USA.

Andrew Santos
Santos, A., & Dailey, W., & Mitton, K.P., & & Drenser, K.A. / Santos, A.. (2022, May 01). Evaluating a Custom Targeted-Sequencing Panel for FEVR to Identify NDP Gene Variants [Poster presented]. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology/Denver, CO, USA.

Mitton, K.P., & Dailey, W., & Abdelmessih, G., & Stepanian, R., & Santos, A., & Jeong, D., & Drekh, M., & Jones, L., & Koustas, K., & Trese, M.T., & Capone, A., & Drenser, K.A.. (2023). Chapter 6: Custom Ampliseq Targeted Sequencing Panel for Orphan Pediatric Retinal Diseases. In Gyan Prakash, Takeshi Iwata (Ed.), Advances in Vision Research, Volume IV Translations Research — Developing Therapeutics and Diagnostics for Genetic Eye Diseases (pp. 440). Singapore: Springer Singapore.

Cicerone, A.P., & Dailey, W., & Sun, M., & Santos, A., & Jeong, D., & Jones, L., & Koustas, K., & Drekh, M., & Schmitz, K., & Haque, N., & Felisky, J.A., & Guzman, A.E., & Mellert, K., & Trese, M., & Capone, A., & Drenser, K.A., & Mitton, K.P.. (2022, Mar). A Survey of Multigenic Protein-Altering Variant Frequency in Familial Exudative Vitreo-Retinopathy (FEVR) Patients by Targeted Sequencing of Seven FEVR-Linked Genes. Genes, 13(3), 495. Cited in PubMed; PMID: 35328049. Pub Status: Published. Article URL: http://www.mdpi.com/1537740

Cicerone, A.P., & Dailey, W., & Sun, M., & Santos, A., & Jeong, D., & Jones, L., & Koustas, K., & Drekh, M., & Schmitz, K., & Haque, N., & Felisky, J., & Guzman, A., & Mellert, K., & Trese, M., & Capone, A., & Drenser, K., & Mitton, K.P. / Mitton, K.P.. (2022, May 01). Frequency of Multigenic Variants Among Genes Regulating Retinal Vascular Development in FEVR Patients [Poster presented]. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology/Denver, CO, USA.

Benjamin Secor
Created a collective impact assessment tool specific to the Pontiac Collective Impact Partnership (PCIP). One round of the survey was done and our report was shared with the committee.

Prasun Sharma
American Urological Association Poster Presentation

Holly Shifman
Shifman HP, Rasnick E, Huang CY, Beck AF, Bucuvalas J, Lai JC, Wadhwani SI. Association of Primary Care Shortage Areas with Adverse Outcomes after Pediatric Liver Transplant. J Pediatr. 2022 Jul;246:103-109.e2. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2022.03.007. Epub 2022 Mar 15. PMID: 35301019.

Shifman HP, Huang C-Y, Beck AF, Bucuvalas J, Perito ER, Hsu EK, Ebel NH, Lai JC, Wadhwani SI. Association of State Medicaid Expansion with Racial Disparities in Pediatric Liver Transplant Outcomes. Society of Pediatric Liver Transplantation (SPLIT) Annual Meeting, Newport Beach, CA, September 23, 2022.

Shifman HP, Rasnick E, Huang C-Y, Beck AF, Bucuvalas J, Lai JC, Wadhwani SI. Children Living in Primary Care Shortage Areas are at Increased Risk for Graft Failure & Death after Liver Transplant. Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, April 23, 2022. *Society for Pediatric Research (SPR) Student Research Award Recipient.

Shifman HP, Rasnick E, Huang C-Y, Beck AF, Bucuvalas J, Lai JC, Wadhwani SI. Children Living in Primary Care Shortage Areas are at Increased Risk for Graft Failure & Death after Liver Transplant. Great Lakes Pediatric Research Day, Detroit, MI, March 18, 2022.

Shifman, H.P., Rasnick, E., Huang, C.Y., Beck, A.F., Bucuvalas, J., Lai, J.C., Wadhwani, S.I. Association of Primary Care Shortage Areas with Adverse Outcomes After Pediatric Liver Transplant. North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, & Nutrition (NASPGHAN) Annual Meeting, Virtual, December 15, 2021.

Ebel NH, Dike PN, Hsu EK. Addressing Racism in Pediatric Liver Transplantation: A Moral Imperative. J Pediatr. 2022 Jul;246:8-10. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2022.04.046. Epub 2022 Apr 30. PMID: 35504347.

Jonathan Stone
Presented poster at the NNDC conference in Houston, Texas.

Patrick Thrasher
Levitin R, Salari K, Squires BS, Hazy AJ, Maywood MJ, Thrasher P, Delise AP, Almahariq MF, Dekhne N, Oliver L, Chen PY, Walters KJ, Dudley D, Dilworth JT. Near-Surface Dose Correlates With Moist Desquamation and Unplanned Reconstructive Surgery in Patients With Implant-Based Reconstruction Receiving Postmastectomy Radiation Therapy. Adv Radiat Oncol. 2023 Jun 5;8(6):101283. doi: 10.1016/j.adro.2023.101283. PMID: 37492779; PMCID: PMC10363637.

Sarah Toates
Toates, Sarah E.; Hickey, Ven. Kevin D. Relationships between the Number of Chaplain Visits and Patient Characteristics. Journal of Religion and Health, 2022; 62(1): 39-54.

Toates, S.; Hickey, K. (2023, March). Relationships between the Number of Chaplain Visits and Patient Characteristics at a Midwestern, Suburban Teaching Hospital. Poster presentation at the Oakland University Graduate Student Research Conference, Rochester, MI.

Ashley Williams
Osei, S., Williams, A., Studzinski, D., Akay, B., & Brahmamdam, P. (2021, October). Perioperative Antibiotics Use in Neonatal General Surgery: A survey of APSA membership. [Poster presentation]. American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference & Exhibition’s Section on Surgery Conference; Virtual.

Osei, S., Williams, A., Studzinski, D., Akay, B., & Brahmamdam, P. (2021, September). Perioperative Antibiotics Use in Neonatal General Surgery: A survey of APSA membership. [Oral presentation]. Detroit Surgical Association; Virtual.

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