The link to order regalia will be added soon!
Students should arrive at the indoor track in the Rec. Center by Noon on Friday, May 10. Light refreshments will be available. Please do not plan to leave any personal items such as hangers, purses, water bottles, etc. in the Rec. Center during the ceremony. These items will be left with Rec. Center staff and added to their lost and found. OUWB is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Guests and families are not permitted in the Rec. Center.
The doors to the OU Credit Union O'rena will open promptly at 1 p.m. for general seating for guests and families. (Note: There will be time for pictures in regalia after the event). Guest(s) who arrive before 1 p.m. will not be permitted into the Rec. Center or the OU Credit Union O'rena.
Jewell Photography will be taking photos during the ceremony of the hooding, receiving the diploma from the Dean, and with OU's President. A professional headshot will also be taken during the ceremony.
Payment will not be accepted on the day of Commencement. All of the images will be posted online within a week and can be purchased directly from Jewell's website. Click the 'Find Your Photos' button in the upper right corner and search the recent events.
Any questions regarding photography can be directed to Jewell Photography.
Campus community members and guests may choose to wear a mask at their own discretion. Masks are not provided.
- All guests of graduating students who plan on attending commencement ceremonies must present a ticket to obtain entry into the O’rena. Graduating students will receive their allotted 15 tickets during graduation checkout the week of May 6. Children three and under will not require a ticket for entry.
- Wheelchairs are available to guests who need assistance. They will be located inside the main lobby of the OU Credit Union O'rena.
- Sign language interpreters will be on stage during the ceremony. When looking at the stage, they will be on the right-hand side of the stage.
- Concessions will be available for purchase inside the OU Credit Union O'rena. Guests are not permitted inside the Rec. Center.
For the safety and security of all attendees, please be aware that ALL BAGS AND PURSES ARE PROHIBITED from the OU Credit Union O’rena for Commencement for students and guests. Please leave your purse/bag at home or in your vehicle. Diaper bag contents can be brought in a clear Ziplock bag. Please see the Prohibited Items Policy for a complete list of prohibited items.
The reception will begin immediately following the ceremony at the Elliot Tower. Graduates will be instructed during the ceremony to follow the bag pipers across the street to meet their guests at the tower. There will be light appetizers and beverages. All guests, family and attendees of the ceremony are welcome to join. The reception is not mandatory.
If there is inclement weather, we will host the reception inside the Oakland Center Ballrooms (same location as Match Day). This announcement will be made during the Commencement ceremony.
The bookstore will have tables inside of O'Dowd Hall (outside of CMSS - O'Dowd Hall, Room 216) where you can return all rented items after the ceremony. Please return items by 5:30 p.m. on Friday, May 10, 2024.
OUWB Commencement 2024 - Keynote Speaker
Linda H. Gillum, Ph.D.
Linda Gillum, Ph.D. is nationally recognized for her contributions to the development of faculty in academic medicine. Dr. Gillum has been a leading proponent of evidence-based approaches to faculty mentorship in medical education.
Dr. Gillum has held significant leadership positions in medical schools and university administration. In 2008, she joined Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine (OUWB) as its founding associate dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs and associate professor in the Department of Foundational Medical Studies. At OUWB, she established and secured funding for The Center for Excellence in Medical Education (CEME) to support faculty teaching. Dr. Gillum also launched OUWB’s Medical Education Week, featuring nationally acclaimed speakers highlighting current and emerging topics in medical education. Dr. Gillum served as the OUWB coordinator for the successful Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) provisional, preliminary, and full accreditation process.
Prior to OUWB, Dr. Gillum served for almost 20 years at the University of Michigan Medical School as a member of the faculty and assistant dean of students where she was responsible for medical students, residents, and graduate student research programs which included K-awardees. She also served as a primary research advisor and clinical supervisor for postdoctoral fellows in Clinical Neuropsychology in the Psychiatry Department’s Postdoctoral Program in Clinical Psychology. Dr. Gillum led the Office of Faculty Affairs at the medical school which launched numerous faculty development and mentorship programs and implemented the Michigan Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategic Plan.
Dr. Gillum was selected as an American Council on Education (ACE) Fellow and was later recognized as a Fellow of the Oxford University International Roundtable. Following her ACE fellowship year at Princeton University, she was promoted to assistant provost at the University of Michigan, where she led and promulgated initiatives on high-impact faculty research, promotion and tenure policies and practices. Dr. Gillum’s career continues to highlight the importance of a holistic approach to faculty vitality, challenging academic leaders to be change agents and actively involved in community engagement.
Dr. Gillum served as a member of the Association of American Medical Colleges Group on Women in Medicine and Science, the American Council on Education (ACE) Women in Higher Education, the Association of American Medical Colleges Group on Diversity and Inclusion, the National Association of Minority Medical Educators, and the Association of American Medical Colleges Group on Faculty Affairs. She has been honored by the Michigan Women’s Foundation and The Bates Street Society for her significant contributions that support community health and wellness, and for encouraging and nurturing STEM careers for high school students.
Dr. Gillum was elected to the Cranbrook Educational Community Board of Trustees in 2007 and was elected Chair of the Board in 2022. She also serves on the Priority Health Board of Directors.
Dr. Gillum received her doctoral degree from the University of Massachusetts, at Amherst in neuropsychology and communication sciences (specialties in clinical and behavioral psychology). Following her doctoral degree, she later completed a Fellowship at the Massachusetts General Hospital Institute for Health Professions. Dr. Gillum’s research career has been highlighted by numerous federal and foundation-funded projects involving neuropsychology assessment, cognitive and behavioral evaluation and treatment of stroke, sickle cell, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and closed-head injured patients, including cross-cultural studies in national and international clinical trials.
OUWB Commencement 2023
Highlights from the OUWB 2023 commencement ceremony can be found by clicking here.