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Students enrolled as undergraduates in the HRD program must complete an internship to graduate. Below is a checklist with links to related documents and forms that you should follow when planning your internship.

Director of Field Placement
MoNique Price
(248) 370-3063
[email protected]

Apply to take HRD 4950 (internship course)

  1. Complete the twelve required prerequisite courses for HRD 4950 - Internship in HRD (see HRD Catalog Entry). The HRD internship is almost always in your final semester of the HRD program. To earn credit for your internship experience, it must be completed in the same semester you are enrolled in HRD 4950.
  2. Complete the HRD 4950 (Internship) Application.
  3. Complete the application by the appropriate deadline in the semester prior to your internship semester:
    • June 15 for a fall semester internship
    • October 15 for a winter semester internship
    • February 15 for a summer semester internship
  4. Notification of application decision will be sent to your OU email account after the application deadline for your internship semester has passed. There are three possible decisions:
    • Approval: All prerequisite requirements have been met
    • Pending: You are currently enrolled in some internship prerequisite courses, but are on track to complete them prior to your internship semester
    • Denied: You are not on track to complete internship prerequisites by your intended internship semester
  5. Attend the HRD 4950 orientation that will be held 4 to 6 weeks prior to the start of the semester of your internship (date will be included in the application decision email for all approved and pending students).


  2. You must have your internship site secured by the first day of the semester you are completing your internship (see: Academic Calendar for exact date).
  3. You can register for HRD 4950 like any other course when registration opens in March of each year.

Secure an Internship Site

  1. Begin searching for internship opportunities at least one semester prior to the semester you plan to enroll in HRD 4950
  2. Ways to search for an internship:
    • Online searches: Utilize sites like Handshake, LinkedIn, and Indeed.com
    • Your network: Check with your family, friends, neighbors, etc. to see if the HR department at their company hires interns - and see if they'd be willing to connect you.
    • OU Network:
      • Director of Field Placement, MoNique Price ([email protected]), for possible leads and to confirm whether or not a potential site will meet internship requirements
      • Career Services to work on your resume, cover letter, and interview skills. Appointments can be made with the SEHS Career Services liaison via Handshake.
    • Direct Contact: Contact companies or employers you want to work for to inquire about internship opportunities.
      • Suggestions for approaching internship sites:
        • Obtain site name, address, and contact person from site directories.
        • Send your targeted resume and cover letter
        • Follow-up with a courteous phone call about a week later.
        • Schedule an interview during the call.
        • After the interview (within 24 hours) send a brief thank you note.
    • Note: If you are not currently working in an HR position, or do not have a direct connection to an internship in mind, you will need to apply to multiple positions to increase your chances of securing a position! 3-5 submitted applications is a good goal to start.
  3. Once you have decided to work with a specific internship employer, an internship placement confirmation form needs to be submitted. This electronic form will be routed to the Director of Field Placement.

How do I get an internship?
There are two ways to go about getting an internship. In both cases it is best to do this well before the semester begins. The first way is to contact the Director of Field Placement during the semester prior to taking HRD 4950. For example, if you are taking HRD 4950 in Summer semester then you should contact the Director of Field Placement during the Winter semester. The second way is to find your own internship (see below). Successful searches have included Handshake, Indeed, Glass Door, and other internet job search platforms.

Can I find my own internship?
Yes. To do this you must have the site supervisor complete the Site Information Form. Site supervisors must have a minimum of a Bachelor degree or equivalent related work experience. The Director of Field Placement reviews the site information form and approves, denies, or may require more information. You should not begin working with a site until after tentative approval has been given by the Director of Field Placement.

Can I accrue internship hours before the semester starts?
No. Any hours worked prior to the beginning of the semester will not count toward the student’s internship experience.

Do I have to quit my job to do an internship?
No. The intent of the internship is for you to broaden your HRD experience, not to leave employment. You are required to work 300 hours at your internship site. This equates to about 20 hours per week. If you have a full-time job, a successful approach is to ask your supervisor if you can add HRD related tasks (outside of your regular tasks) to complete your internship. The Director of Field Placement or your instructor will help guide you through this process. Some examples of HRD job related tasks are; creating training materials, working with benefits, onboarding, talent acquisition, organizational development, diversity and inclusion, etc. Students should not be involved in any employee termination as part of the internship. 

What if I don’t think I can get an internship site?
It is required that a student intending to pursue a research or project internship has previously conferred with a full-time HRD faculty member regarding the availability of an appropriate project or projects to complete as part of the internship and the willingness of the HRD faculty member to supervise the intern. In the rare case that a professional internship cannot be completed, a research internship of four credits may be completed by students who have the requisite backgrounds and skills to produce research work at the undergraduate level in the field of human resource development. To qualify for a research internship, students are required to have successfully completed the courses normally required for an HRD internship plus any additional courses appropriate for the acquisition of skills necessary for completion of the internship project(s). A project internship of four credits may be completed by students who have completed a minimum of two (2) years of work in the field of Human Resources or who are subject to special circumstances. To qualify for a project internship, students are required to have successfully completed the courses normally required for an HRD internship plus any additional courses appropriate for the acquisition of skills necessary for completion of the internship project(s).

Who are my points of contact for the Internship?
Your primary point of contact is the Director of Field Placement, MoNique Price at [email protected]. During the semester you take HRD 4950 your primary contact will be your instructor for the course.

Internship requirements may be met by the completion of a professional internship, a research internship, a project internship, or a combination of two or three of these options. Applications for internships must be submitted by the designated deadlines (fall semester - June 15, winter semester - October 15 and summer semester - February 15). Applications will not be accepted after the deadline. The internship must be completed with a minimum grade of (C+).

Professional internship
In order for a student to complete a professional internship, four credits must be completed at an approved internship placement site for a total of 300 hours of work in the field of human resource development.

Research internship
In the rare case that a professional internship cannot be completed, a research internship of four credits may be completed by students who have the requisite backgrounds and skills to produce research work at the undergraduate level in the field of human resource development. To qualify for a research internship, students are required to have successfully completed the courses normally required for an HRD internship plus any additional courses appropriate for the acquisition of skills necessary for completion of the internship project(s).

It is required that a student intending to pursue this internship has previously conferred with an HRD faculty member regarding the availability of an appropriate research project and the willingness of the HRD faculty member to supervise the intern in his or her completion of the research project.

Students wishing to pursue a research internship must complete a petition of exception.

Project internship
A project internship of four credits may be completed by students who have completed a minimum of two (2) years of work in the field of Human Resources or who are subject to special circumstances. To qualify for a project internship, students are required to have successfully completed the courses normally required for an HRD internship plus any additional courses appropriate for the acquisition of skills necessary for completion of the internship project(s).

It is required that a student intending to pursue a project internship has previously conferred with an HRD faculty member regarding the availability of an appropriate project or projects to complete as part of the internship and the willingness of the HRD faculty member to supervise the intern.

Students wishing to pursue a project internship must complete a petition of exception.

For either the research or project internship students are required to have successfully completed the courses normally required for an HRD internship plus any additional courses appropriate for the acquisition of skills necessary for completion of the internship alternative. Students must also submit the HRD 4950 (Internship) Application by the stated deadline for their internship semester (see ‘Timeline’ below).

Steps to Complete Petition of Exception

  1. Contact the Director of Field Placements (MoNique Price - [email protected]) to share the circumstances that make you unable to complete a professional internship
  2. Determine if the research or project internship is your best alternative
  3. Design a plan for the research or project you’d like to complete
  4. Contact a full-time HRD faculty member to propose your plan and request that they sponsor your research or project internship.
  5. Once a sponsor has been confirmed, submit the petition of exception online
    • Login with NetID and password
    • Select "request a new exception" 
    • Select  "Human Resource Development”

In the area that says: “To what rule do you want an exception?" please enter: 

“To complete the research internship as an alternative to the professional internship” or “To complete the project internship as an alternative to the professional internship”

In the area that says "Reason for requesting an exception to the rule" please include, in your own words:

  • Why you are unable to complete the professional internship
  • A brief explanation of your proposed research or project internship
  • You will also need to attach a copy of the email exchange confirming you’ve secured a faculty sponsor

HRD 4950 Application and Petition Timeline

  • If you are requesting an internship alternative it is strongly advised that you contact a faculty supervisor with your proposal at least 4 months before the start of your internship semester.  Faculty sponsorship is not guaranteed, but advanced notice increases your likelihood of a favorable decision.
  • The HRD 4950 (Internship) Application is due by:
    • June 15 for a fall semester internship
    • October 15 for a winter semester internship
    • February 15 for a summer semester internship
  • You will receive an update regarding your HRD 4950 application and the mandatory internship orientation no more than two weeks after the application deadline for your given semester.
  • The date for the mandatory internship orientation varies, but is held in the following months:
    • July for a fall semester internship
    • November for a winter semester internship
    • April for a summer semester internship
  • If you are requesting an internship alternative you must submit a petition of exception form no later than one week after your mandatory internship orientation

Once the faculty make a decision you will receive the decision via your OU email.

Thank you for your interest in the Human Resource Development (HRD) Internship Program. The HRD Internship is the capstone, culminating experience, for all Oakland University students majoring in Human Resource Development. Internship sites should facilitate student activity in as many of the areas of the behavioral sciences, career development, training and development, and employment systems and standards as possible so that the student can, under the close supervision of an HR professional (Site Supervisor) and with the additional oversight of an Oakland University Human Resource Development instructor, implement as many aspects of the Human Resource Development education as possible. The internship site should allow the student to gain experience in the area of human resources as it is designed to be the bridge between the academic setting and the professional work setting. It is an opportunity for the student to apply learned skills in an on-the-job setting. Each student is required to work 300 hours over the course of the 15-week semester (approximately 22 hours per week).

As a Site Supervisor, we anticipate that you will:

  • Conduct a formal interview with prospective interns.
  • Complete the Site Information Form prior to the start of the semester then send to the Director of Field Placement for approval.
  • Complete the Placement Confirmation Form with the Intern to send to the Director of Field Placement for approval.
  • Provide an appropriate work station. This activity allows for the Intern to develop six to eight responsibilities, called objectives, with you as the Site Supervisor.
  • Provide adequate work supplies
  • Provide an orientation of the day-to-day operations of the organization, (personnel, positions, policy/procedures).
  • Act in a teaching and supervisory capacity.
  • Provide the intern with experiences that are appropriate for individuals entering professional work at the bachelor’s level.
  • Provide the intern with opportunities to apply learned skills.
  • Provide the intern with the necessary training to handle assigned tasks.
  • Provide the intern with frequent, constructive feedback (at least on a weekly basis until the intern is comfortable in the position).
  • Attend one Site Visit with the intern and the intern's assigned instructor
  • Provide written assessment of the intern’s progress twice during the semester (Midterm and Final).
  • Communicate with the assigned instructor or the Director of Field Placement if internship problems arise. 

Again, let us say how much we appreciate your interest in the Oakland University HRD Internship Program. If you have any questions, please contact MoNique Price, Director of Field Placement at [email protected].

Department of Organizational Leadership

Pawley Hall, Room 480B
456 Pioneer Dr.
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(location map)
(248) 370-2730

Educational Leadership
Pawley Hall, Room 480D
(248) 370-3070
fax: (248) 370-4605

Human Resource Development
Pawley Hall, Room 475E
(248) 370-4109
fax: (248) 370-4095
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